MilliCare - Don't Let Dirty Floors Scare Away Prospective Clients

Don't Let Dirty Floors Scare Away Prospective Clients

Don't Let Dirty Floors Scare Away Prospective Clients

Floors may not talk, but they have plenty to say to your customers, prospective clients, and even future employees. In fact, flooring makes a strong first impression that can be difficult to change.

A few seconds: That’s all a person needs to form a judgment. And when your floor is filthy, stained, worn, wet, smelly, or grimy, the verdict about whether you’re running a high-quality business won’t be positive.

You get one chance to make your mark. Be sure everyone’s assessment of your facilities is favorable. After all, whether you run a retail shop, healthcare facility, law firm, hotel, restaurant, school, or other company, your competition will always be ready to swoop in and snatch your buyers and investors if you’re not conscientious about details (like a bright, good-smelling building).

Give yourself the best possible chance of attracting new customers and keeping existing loyalists coming back by creating a memorable experience bolstered by fresh carpets, clean bathroom floors, bright grout, and even vacuumed cubicle walls. Better yet, consider it your social responsibility to promote a sanitized, healthy atmosphere as a modern organization concerned about the well-being of your stakeholders, from employees to purchasers.

Holistic Total Floor Care: Wow Your Customers

At MilliCare , our motto is that the care of any building begins with properly understanding the unique aspects of all areas. Consequently, we see cleaning from a holistic viewpoint. That’s the reason we don’t use the same products or solutions for every surface — because every surface is innately different.

For instance, when we work with facility managers, office supervisors, and other professionals in charge of a building’s surface and air quality, we discuss traffic flow and specific needs at the location. Then, we tailor a care plan that accounts for the nuances of each space. Using our expertise, we analyze the situation and develop care frequencies for each surface or material. Some will require weekly cleaning; others may need to be addressed daily.

By setting up a manageable, effective care plan, we help corporations avoid the cycle of having to replace carpets and flooring every few years. With MilliCare , you may find your floors lasting for 10 years or more, allowing you to get a sizable return on your management and maintenance investment dollars.

The Nuts and Bolts of Holistic Cleaning

Want to know more about our holistic cleaning viewpoint and how it can affect the impression you send out to the world? Consider the main entrances to your building.

Those entrances are gateways that allow Mother Nature to traipse unheeded into your building. And she doesn’t come alone; she brings dirt and debris with her. Research indicates that if you have 1,000 visitors over a period of just 20 days, they’ll grace your entryway with 24 pounds of soil. Over time, that dirt is ground into carpeting, porous tiles, and even grout.

The MilliCare method tackles this problem by zoning the entrance with flooring that prevents particulate and moisture from getting through the door in the first place. Our three-pronged zoned approach also mitigates the risk of slippery surfaces, which can lead to lawsuits and high insurance premiums. Best of all, for every dollar spent, high-traffic buildings see tenfold cost savings.

Of course, zoned entryways are only the beginning — MilliCare services revitalize carpet, textiles, and other spots throughout any facility, including restrooms.

Never forget that the restroom is a place to make or break your relationship with tenants, guests, and workers. One survey showed that people equate dirty bathroom facilities with inferior property management, something that shouldn’t surprise anyone who has had to use subpar or downright grimy restrooms.

Feeling queasy at the thought of your restroom’s floor? Don’t assume it’s bound for replacement. With MilliCare ’s proprietary products, such as tile and grout color coatings, you can revitalize your restroom’s flooring surface and reduce its natural tendency to re-soil. It’s a rapid way to save money without cutting corners.

What do you want people visiting your business to think about your brand? Set up a discussion to talk with MilliCare about your impression objectives right away. It’s never too late or too soon for the deepest spring cleaning your building has seen.


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