MilliCare - Understanding MilliCare 's Zone Entry System

Understanding MilliCare 's Zone Entry System

No matter how often you maintain your workplace floors, sometimes it can feel like the amount of dirt being tracked in on a regular basis is overwhelming, as if you'll never out-clean the dirt. Fortunately, MilliCare Floor & Textile Care has the solution for keeping dirt out: a zone entry system.

The first step to understanding the need for our zone entry system is realizing just how much dirt comes into your building on a regular basis. Research has found that if you have 1,000 people walk into your office over 20 days, they'll track in 24 pounds of soil. That's a lot of dirt!

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to keep dirt from taking over your workplace, and it all starts with maintaining your entryways. We divide entryways into three zones.

Zone 1: Outdoors

The area just outside the building is what we consider to be the first zone. It doesn't extend that far - about 10-15 feet away from the door - but it's the first target area to prevent the spread of dirt. What we recommend here is a product with scraping action - something that will capture grit and heavy dirt particles as well as sand or snow, depending on what your climate is like.

Zone 2: Indoors

Once you step inside, we immediately ramp up our game. For the primary area just inside the building, we recommend a product with dual action: scraping and absorbing. Whatever isn't caught in that first zone needs to be trapped here. Additionally, you'll need something like a recessed matwell to stave off both dirt and moisture.

Zone 3: Indoors, secondary

The third and final zone is our last line of defense, and it requires only about two feet of product beyond the second zone. Typically the biggest problem by this point is moisture, so we recommend a textile care product specifically designed for moisture absorption.

With our zone entry system, no matter who's coming into your building - shoppers, clients, patients, employees - dirt won't extend into your building farther than it has to, keeping your workplace clean and fresh.

Facilities that can benefit from zone entry systems include:

  • Airports
  • Education buildings
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
  • Libraries
  • Offices
  • Retail spaces
  • Any facility with high traffic volume

And with our zone entry system, you can look forward to reaping not only health benefits but also financial rewards, because our zone entry systems will save you money. In fact, for every $1 you spend on keeping dirt outside, you'll save $10 in the cost of removing dirt from your facility. Be sure to watch the video on our entry protection page to learn more about MilliCare 's zone entry systems.


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